Recognizing the dangers posed by both Donald Trump and the assault on voting rights is crucial for the survival of democracy in America.
In the realm of American politics, the survival of democracy has taken center stage as the most pressing issue. While the attention is often focused on Donald Trump and his radical rhetoric, there is another threat that rarely commands the airwaves – the ongoing assault on voting rights. This article aims to shed light on both these threats and emphasize the importance of addressing them to safeguard democracy.
Trump’s Journey into Radical Rhetoric
The good news is that treating Donald Trump as a normal presidential candidate has become untenable. His increasingly radical rhetoric, including his pledges to use the Justice Department for political revenge, has forced a shift in journalistic coverage. Recognizing Trump’s dangerous trajectory, even the conservative publication The Economist declared him the “biggest danger to the world in 2024.” While most Republican politicians shy away from calling out Trump’s planned assaults on democracy, at least the issue is being acknowledged outside the GOP’s cocoon.
The Subtle Erosion of Voting Rights
Amidst the focus on Trump, the long-term deterioration of the right to vote has gone largely unnoticed. Over the past decade, there has been a subtle chipping away at the access to the ballot – the essential building block of a democratic republic. This erosion began with the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, which significantly limited the power of the Justice Department to enforce voting rights laws.
The consequences of this decision have been far-reaching. States have implemented discriminatory voter identification laws, targeted purges of electoral rolls, gerrymandering that undermines minority representation, and changes in early-voting rules that favor certain groups over others. While these actions may not amount to the wholesale disenfranchisement of Black voters during the Jim Crow era, they are still an attack on democracy by making it harder for certain individuals to vote.
The Ongoing Assault on Voting Rights
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s claim in the Shelby decision that the Voting Rights Act bans discrimination under Section 2 has been challenged by a recent ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. The majority on the court arrogantly disregarded Congress’s intentions and claimed the power to prevent private parties, including civil rights groups, from bringing cases under Section 2. This ruling, if allowed to stand, would eliminate the majority of cases aimed at protecting voting rights, effectively dismantling the Voting Rights Act.
Legal experts, such as UCLA law professor Rick Hasen, argue that this judicial activism undermines the fight for voting rights. Hasen proposes renewing the fight for a new Voting Rights Act and the access-enhancing reforms in the Freedom to Vote Act. Additionally, he suggests addressing a major flaw in the Constitution – the lack of an explicit, affirmative guarantee of every citizen’s right to vote. Hasen advocates for a constitutional amendment that would protect voter access while ensuring election integrity, such as linking automatic voter registration with a nationwide, universal, nondiscriminatory form of voter identification.
Conclusion: While preventing Trump’s attempts to undermine democracy is crucial, it is equally important to address the assault on voting rights. Renewing the fight for a new Voting Rights Act and enacting a constitutional amendment that guarantees every citizen’s right to vote are essential steps in protecting democracy. By recognizing and confronting both these threats, America can ensure the survival of its democratic principles and institutions.
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